SM4L Position Statements
We Support Educators and Believe That:
Educators and Librarians are trusted professionals. They have the training, experience, knowledge and competency to make the right decisions for their students including age-appropriate books, curriculum, and more.
Everyone deserves a supportive learning environment. Historically marginalized communities must be protected. Student thrive when they feel safe and can see themselves represented in lessons, stories, literature, and books.
Complete history must be taught. Teaching accurate, honest, comprehensive, age-appropriate history is vital for a thriving democracy.
Diversity should be celebrated, not feared. Exposure to new ideas, cultures, and human experiences help students grow and develop critical thinking skills.
Schools have to be safe. Common sense gun safety and other security measures are absolutely necessary.
Equitable funding of public schools is necessary to insure accessibility. Efforts to defund public schools through vouchers and other programs hurt the most vulnerable and underserved. Public dollars should not be used for private services.
Trust the experts. Science and expert health officials should guide public health and safety decisions; not fear and disinformation.
There is no “teacher shortage.” However, there is a shortage of proper respect, compensation, safety, and autonomy for educators and staff. These need to be addressed to be able to recruit new teachers and to bring our seasoned teachers back.
Students need more Mental Health services. Students need more access to mental health services across communities inclusive of social-emotional learning programs.
We support parents who work with schools for the betterment of ALL students. Exclusionary, discriminatory, and hostile practices combined with disinformation are a danger to our schools and society.
Our #1 Belief is that NO group or individual should dominate or control what happens in ANY public setting. That is not a democracy.
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